torsdag 15. april 2010


Sorry everyone for not writing for month. My live in Quito is quiet now, work and some small activities. I finally startet to work in the school as an english teacher. It is very hard sometimes teaching a language that you do not know perfect, in a language that you not know nearly perfect, without any teaching skills. But I like it, the kids seem interested! Yesterday I even went to Tae Kwon Do training. It was not quite as it is back home. Funny was that my teacher had a green belt (two belts below me...;))
So I guess there wont be much more blogg reports now. I am fine though! You can see a lot of pictueres at my picasa webside. Enjoy!
I will tell you all about Peru when I am back home.
Love to everyone reading, see you quiet soon! (2 month)