onsdag 28. oktober 2009

Tuesday and Wednesday

About yesterday there is not much to say. I was sick all day because I was really bad the night before. Today I will go to school again and other good news are: finally there are som pictueres!
You can see them at
Enjoy a lot!
Yours Lynn

mandag 26. oktober 2009

The whole week

I was sick a while so I wasn´t able to go to the internet Cafe. On Wednesday there was a Cocktail lesson at the school. It was really cool. We made Caipirinha, Mojito and Canelazo ( a VERY strong ecuadorianan drink). On Thursday I was supose to go on the night trip, but I was sick all day an lay in bed. On Fruday I wnt to school again and in the evening I went to the old town with my hostfamily, so I got to do the nighttrip anyway. :) Saturday was a great day. Two german girls and me went to Mitad del Mundo, the middle of the world. To the actual Ecuator! It was really cool. You could to some experiments. I found one very exciting: When you let water fall down in a basin in Europa (north hemisphere) , it goes down anticlockwise. When you do the same on the south hemisphere) it goes down clockwise. BUT if you do it direktly on the Ecuator it just falls down! No rotating! The others where on the Cotapaxi on Saturday, but I did not go because og my cold. I am glad because they said it was really exhausting. I will do it some other time.
Yesterday we went to some warm thermae in Papagacta. The bustrip took two hours but that was no problem because of the amazing sights! The warm waters where really relaxing and we had a great time! Today there is school again, but with a new teacher. My old is on a trip and I found out that she is called "the monster" because she is one of the strictest teachers. In the evening we will try kickboxing!

Yours Lynn

tirsdag 20. oktober 2009

Monday 19.10

The spanish lesson was good and hard. I never thought one could learn so much in 4 hours and I have no idea how to learn all these new words so fast. In the break I hang out with all the german girls and everybody came out of their rooms with a red had, about to explode. ;) So I was not the only one. I finally bought sun lotion yesterday. When I came home I ate, made my homework and wenty to sleep. I was pretty exhausted. Today is going to be even worse, bacause after the spanish lesson the will be a salsa course. My whole week is already full of things to do. In Thursday there will be a night trip through old town and in the weekend we hopefully will go to Cotapaxi, the highest vulcano there is.

Thanks for all the komments!
Yours Lynn

mandag 19. oktober 2009

Saturday 17.10. and Sunday 18.10

On saurday me I saw a lot of Qiuto. At first we went to a marked, but I will buy all that souvenir stuff later. Then we made our way to the old city it was longer than expected. When we finally arrived we already had come by a basilika and an demonstration for better education. We alsough were hungry and had lunch for 2$. Afterwards we visited the plaza de indepencia and the one of the most important churches in Quito. It is all golden inside and you can find influence of indegiuos people. What I foud very strange is that in the altar there is a statue of the godfather! An old man with a beard.
Then we visited plaza San Fransisco where the president of Ecuador had spoken. It was covered with garbage, like paper and flyers. We where really tired now and made our way home by bus. Taking the bus here is an adventure in itself. This afternoon the first rain came.

Yesterday, on sunday i took a trip to an vulcan crater, Puluahua, with four german girls. It was really cool, even it was not as amazing as we thought. There were houses and farms in the crater, no cold vulcano stone as one would imagine. We went down in the crater anyway and up again. That was hard! In 3000 meter altitute you get exhausted faster. We tried some grilled banana with cheese and it was yam yam!

Today I will have my first spanish lesson at 13.00.

Hug to everybody reading,

lørdag 17. oktober 2009

15.10.09 and 16.10.09 Flight and arrival

Yesterday was a long day. Dad and I stood up at 4:30 am and my flight Berlin – Madrid was at 07:30. Everything went very well. I got on the right airplane in Madrid, even sough it said “Guyaquil”, which is another city in Ecuador, on the screens. It would land in Quito first, I learned.
The flight was very long! 10 ½ hours, that gives space for 3 meals, two films and a lot of reading! But it was all forgotten when we circled over Quito to get in the right position to the airport. The view was overwhelming, mountains and the city climbing them. I got my luggage at once and found the driver very quickly. It was very warm and the first thing I did was to put my rain jacket away. The drive through Quito was almost as exciting as the landing and it was the first time it was good that my camera is water proof because I was pretty nervous to meet the family and my hands where sweating. I really had no reason for that, because it was a very warm welcome. I met Elsa my host mother. She is fantastic! She showed me the house and my room. It is really nice! Elsa needed to go and work in her little store, which is next to the living house. I packed out some presents for the family and said “Hola” to a kid in the backyard. He thinks I am crazy or stupid or both because I speak no Spanish. I think he asked several times what I was doing in Quito speaking no Spanish. Good question isn’t it? Then I went to call home, which was much easier than I thought because there are about 3 internet cafés at the place where my new home is. Afterwards I went to see what was going on in the store. Elsa and Pepe’s store is mostly for paper and school stuff but you can although buy make up and a lot of other things.
At 20 o’clock Elsa closed the store and we went inside to eat something, it was pasta soup with chicken. After that I took a shower and went to bed after 23 exciting hours! I slept very well in my new bed, but had some weird dreams.
This morning I woke up at 6 o’clock. I stood up slowly and at 8 there was breakfast. Papaya, banana and toasted bread, nam nam! Then Elsa opened the store and at 10 o’clock there came someone from the Simon Bolivar School and showed me the way to the school and important things in the area. Afterwards I had a meeting with Monkia, the manager of the school. I could now ask all my questions and that was really nice. At 01:30 I was at my new home again and ate lunch. We had soup, rice with meat and vegetables and some white beans for a snack. To drink there was the fantastic fruit juice Elsa had made in the morning.
Things are happoening so fast. The evening yesterday was great. We drove around the city, both the finiacial district and the old town. In the old town we had an ecuadorian snack and drink. An member of the family wh is american is on visit and he explained and translated a lot for me.
Today I will meet Ellen, who I met in the school yesterday we will look at the old town again, by day. It still has not rained even it is soposed to be rain reason! Actually I got a sun burn yestersay, because the sun is so stong here.
Your Lynn, overwhelmed anf happy!

søndag 11. oktober 2009

Es rückt näher!

Jetzt ist meine Abreise fast da! Morgen geht es in aller frühe los, um 06:30 ist Abfahrt in Voss und um 10:15 geht mein Flieger nach Berlin. Gestern habe ich mich von meiner letzten Freundin verabschiedet und seitdem habe ich ein mulmiges Gefühl der Aufregung.

I morgo begynner den store reisen min! Tideleg om morningen starter eg frå Voss for å ta flyet til Berlin klokka 10:15. Siden eg sa hade til Torunn i går, er eg ganske nervøs! Sidan ho var den siste vennen eg sa hade til, kjenner eg at ting nærmer seg veldig no og det er litt skummelt.

mandag 5. oktober 2009


Heute habe ich ENDLICH mein Visum bei der Post abgeholt. Jetzt ist wirklich alles fertig für die Reise und ich kann noch 1 Woche entspannen bevor es los geht. Wir sind alle erleichtert!
Ab Mittwoch wird gepackt, obwohl schon im ganzen Zimmer sachen die mit müssen liegen...

I dag henta eg ENDELIG Visumet mitt frå posten! Eg er sinnsykt letta og no er vikelig ALT på plass og eg kan slappe litt av til eg reiser på mandag!