tirsdag 29. desember 2009

Christmas and Birthday

24.12.09 Thursday
Today we met at the volunteer apartment to celebrate German Christmas. We made bruscetta and pizza our self and did the secret Santa. It was really nice. Everybody got very personal presents and everyone was truly happy for them. I got earrings and a bracelet which I really wanted from Chris. Later we ate fruits with chocolate cream. Around ten Gioia and me left for our host family, it was a little hard because we had such a good time with the others. But of course we had to see how Ecuadorian Christmas works. They do not start before 10 pm. They did start with singing and praying. Then hundreds of presents were given away. I got sweets and a really colorful scarf. I had seen them but would not buy one because of all the colors, but I love it as a present. Afterwards there was more food! Gioia and I shared one plate because it was so much.
25.12.09 Friday
In the morning we made pancake breakfast in the Ramses (Volunteer house) I spent my day with Marlene and Jens doing nothing but talking. Later we had a party at the Ramses. We went to a club called “No bar” and ate Mc Donald’s from the drive through by taxi at 4 am. A different Christmas one could say… 
26.12.09 Saturday
We stood up around 10 am and made Pasta for breakfast. Then we bought a lot of good stuff (Oreo-cookies, Milk, Ice-cream…) sat down and just talked for 5 hours about everything and nothing. It was great!
After a little break at home we met again in the Ramses and waited for my birthday. Celebrating of course. At 12 pm we drank champagne and went out to party afterwards. At the “No bar” I got an champagne shower like at the formal 1. It was really funny!
27.12.09 Sunday
I slept out for the first time in Ecuador, until 11 am. That was NICE! At 4 pm all my friends came to my house. Elsa had made cake and tea. It was almost like home, especially because Gioia made a cheesecake for me! Wow! I got and really beautiful box and the coolest T-shirt ever. It says “Is schon schön…“ This is one of the stupid frases we use here all the time. The others have the same t-shirts in their colors and mine is red and black of course. Elsa and Pepe gave me a little purse.
Later we wanted to go to the cinema but there was nothing. So we bought 2 DVD’s and had a relaxed movie evening at the Ramses. At 12 we continued the celebrating because now it was Sara’s birthday!
28.12.09 Monday
We ate breakfast in one of our favorite restaurants, the “Coffee & Toffee”. Then I took care of some stuff. Like going to the police because of the 100 $ that got stolen from me. At around 2 pm I was in the Ramses again. Were we made a poem for Sara and had her birthday cake. Later we ate Swiss at an restaurant because Sara is Swiss. Then we went to Party, around 2 am I was in my bed.

3 kommentarer:

  1. Party rundherum, Klasse!Für die Silvesterparty gutes Stehververmögen. Und passt auf euch auf! Wir haben eine wunderschöne Schneelandschaft,die auch vorhalten soll. Jetzt geht es raus. Wir sind am Gendarmenmarkt zum Feiern. Ich denke an dich, im Sinne weiterhin so im Jahre 2010, deine Omi und von Wolfgang einen Gruß

  2. Liebe Lynn, Du hattest einen interessanten und erfolgreichen,lustigen Geburtstag,zu dem ich Dir nachträglich herzlichst gratulieren möchte.Das Weihnachtsfest hast du mit Freunden gefeiert.Wir hier zu Hause haben alle an Dich gedacht. Und nun fängt gleich ein neues Jahr an,welches auch Du, so weit weg von uns, mit Freuden begrüßen wirst. Ich wünsche Dir für dieses Neue Jahr 2010 alles erdenklich Gute ,viel gesundheit und noch eine schöne und lustige Zeit in Ecuador bis wie uns wiedersehen. Liebe Grüße von Deiner Oma Gisela

  3. Hallo meine Lynni,
    keine Zeit für Langeweile oder Heimweh. Richtig prima!!! Genieße die Zeit mit Deinen neuen Freunden aus der "ganzen" Welt!
    Solltest Du es zu warm finden, zufällig mal, dann schließe die Augen und stelle Dir vor, vor dem braunen Häuschen im Kleivi sind es minus 25 Grad zur Zeit und seit einiger Zeit. Heeeftig.
    Helmis Pelzmantel kam dann doch irgendwie genau zur richtigen Zeit. Sei gegrückt von Deiner Mamutschka.
