onsdag 2. desember 2009


My dear friends and familiy sorry for scaring you, it is sooooo beautiful here! If you could see, you would fly down here at once. My familiy is really nice and the house is really swaet. They have chicken, pigs, cows and guinneapig. The garden is with about everything, yesterday we made marmelade from blackberries. The indegious people are so beautiful and the womens clothe too. Yesterday we also farmed a piece of land. I have never worked so hard in my life. You know what you have done if you farm a field with your hands. And the sun burns ALL day and the mosquitos bite me. The life at a farm is a really cool and very new experience. The life here is really hard, even if I tried to imagine it was a little shock. It is amazing that the family does not laugh at my stupid questions, I would like too have a book: "farming for dummies". Today was more easy there was so much sun that we did not work very much. There is warm water too, sometimes. ;)
My family has 7 members, father and mother. Their 3 sons, one with his wife and daughter. Of course there are tons of other family members in the houses around. I have a room and bath for myself. I sleep rally well, but unfortunaly I am still a little sick. I am so glad I did this project, it is the closest I will come Ecuador. And it gives me experience I did not even dream about. To live with the indigious people is really a great gift to me!

5 kommentarer:

  1. Meine liebe Lynn, ich freue mich sehr, dass Du doch von dem Bauernhof berichten kannst.Prima, R. Dass es so gut gefällt und du wieder nette Leute kennenlernst.Schicke bitte ein bischen Wärme zu uns.hier ist es kalt und ungemütlich.Die Arbeit auf den Feldern und mit den Tieren ist eine ganz neue Erfahrung für dich.Aber auch diese Arbeit macht Sinn.Versuche Dich nicht zu übernehmen. Es ist alles ungewohnt für Dich.Aber Deine Leute werden auf Dich aufpassen.Ich freue mich so sehr über Deine Berichte und denke ganz oft ein Dich.Werde wieder richtig gesund und geniesse die Zeit trotz allem.Ich grüße Dich ganz lieb Deine Oma Gisela.

  2. Min kjære Lynn, nå måtte eg til og med griner litte grande da eg leste bloggen din. Eg er så glad for at du er en heldigris igjen. Fantastisk at du får opplever alt dette. Det er jo bevis for, at alt arbeit du hadde på forhand har lønner seg. Dessuten er det ingen tvil om at du møter åpne hjerter. Er du jo sølv en åpen, klug og dyktig jente. Kos deg vidare og pass på helsen din. Kjempe klem fra mama.

  3. Hallo,Lynni_Maus,Ich glaube zu wissen, wie schwer deine Landarbeit ist.
    Da erinnere ich mich an meine Kindheit, natürlich ohne die unaufhörlich brennende Sonne. Alles mit den Händen!!!! Und der krumme Rücken. Dass du noch immer dich krank fühlst, ist dann nicht so gut.
    Sei umarmt, mit vielen Gedanken bei dir deine Oma Anne

  4. Hei Lynni,
    It`s me, Gunnar, it`s long time ago i wrote something to you,
    but i`m looking and reading your blog every day .
    I hope, all things are allright with you and the problems you have
    will not increase, i mean that is normaly for world-travellers.
    there are only two things they are important, one thing is health and
    the other is money you need to fix all others ;-)
    I think it`s very interessant to read about your explorations in the new
    world, to see the differences between America and Good Old Europe
    i`ve read, that the states in South America are growing different and there are
    great variations between poor and rich and between particular states which
    have oil and mineral resources.
    And the question is which country will reach an future which are livable for
    most of their inhabitants.
    ok Lynni, i will not boring you, i had some time on the job to write and think about
    all of this :-)

    large embrace, your Gunni
    ...have a lot of fun and continue to explore the world!

  5. Hei Lynn,

    Kjekt å lese bloggen din. Eg blir jo oppdatert av Mamma også, men det er likevel kjekt å lese alt du opplever. Det er bra å leze at du har kommet til en fin familie igjen og at du blir tatt god imot.
    Vi har sendt deg en liten bursdagshelsing fra oss 4 på Voss. Eg har fått adressen din fra Aike, men eg er ikkje sikkert at konvolutten når deg i tid før bursdagen din. Det er ikkje en pakke, siden Aile sa at det var vanskelig å hente, men en stor brun konvolutt, så eg håper det går bra.

    Vi snakkes igjen!
    Klem fra Carmen, Andres, Bart og Nana
