mandag 23. november 2009


Wednesday 18.11.
Today I got my ecuadorian ID. Cool, he? Now a lot of things are cheaper for me and I do not need to carry the copy of my passport anymore. Afterwords we had Cocktail lessons in school and went out after that, it was a fun night.
Thursday 19.11.
This ws an easy day only clases and cocking at the volunteerhouse.
Friday 20.11.
Pretty much like Thursday, cocking and chilling at the volunteerhouse.
Saturday 21.11.
Today I did really a lot! I went to Otavalo with the school. We started by eating a fruit which ws really strange, called Chirimoya. Then we had breakfast: Bischocha, which is a kind of bread with cheese and hot chocolate. Then we had a short stop to make photos at Mira Largo, a baeutiful lake. The first stop in Otavalo was a marked for animals and after that the BIG handicraft marked where we had 2 hours to shop. I spend 70 dollars for 2 of these funny "South-america"-throusers, scarfs in bright colours and jewerely of course. We ate dinner at an good restaurant and I tried a little cuy again and I did not like it: again...
This was in Cotacachi, where I will start to work next Monday. It is a quite bid town and I will not be cut from civilisation! Cotacachi is the town of leather, hre you can by anything in leather. My money was empty, but I will have my chance when I work there. The last two stops where a beautiful laguna and a waterfall. Then we made our way back to Quito and it was not easy! We spend 4 hours, because the road was closed because of pilgrims, who walked 10 hours from Quito to a church. We had to take detour, which took us 3 hours. Finally at 23 pm we arrived.
Sunday 22.11.
Today I went to the Vulcano Cotapaxi with school. We drove up to the parking at 4500 m. Then we walked up to the hut at about 4800m and had brakfast there. Walking has never been so hard, you just can not breathe up there. You walk 10 m and need to stop to rest! After breakfast we went up to the glacier. At 5000 m, wow I have never been up so high before! This where only 500 m altitude difference, less than our "house mountain" in Norway (which is usual to climb in 1 hour), and we used 3 hours for that! It was quite cold and there was hail. But the view and the landscape where really great. It was an amazing experience! The way down was much easier. And afterwards we visited a laguna and had lunch. At 6 pm we arrived in Quito. We all where really tired and I went home and to bed quite soon.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Hallo Lynni,
    super Event, die Besteigung des Vulkans!!!
    Nicht vorstellbar das einem die Luft tatsächlich fehlt in 5000m Höhe. Ich war ja noch nicht höher als 2500m, Gallhöppingen im Jotunheimen, das war schon ganz schön hoch für uns Flachländler. Viel Kraft für den Endspurt beim Spanisch-Kurs. Danach heißt es anwenden. Bleib entspannt und toi, toi für den "Umzug" aufs Land in der nächsten Woche. Tusend klem fra Mama.

  2. Meine liebe Lynni-Maus, einfach unglaublich, was du so alles in dieser schönen Welt erlebst. Wir verfolgen jetzt wieder regelmäßig deinen Blogg, nachdem wir schon einen Rhythmus für uns gefunden haben.
    Bleib nur gesund!!!! Auf einer Werbeveranstaltung für Auslandsaufenthalte haben wir Werbematerial von Quito bekommen, so dass wir von der "Jungfrau" schon gelesen hatten, übrigens die am schönsten erhaltene Altstadt Südamerikas und UNESCO Kulturerbe als erste Gesamtstadt.
    Viele neue Erlebnisse und sicher auch harte Arbeit werden auf dich zukommen.
    Dicke Umarmung von deiner OMa
