tirsdag 20. oktober 2009

Monday 19.10

The spanish lesson was good and hard. I never thought one could learn so much in 4 hours and I have no idea how to learn all these new words so fast. In the break I hang out with all the german girls and everybody came out of their rooms with a red had, about to explode. ;) So I was not the only one. I finally bought sun lotion yesterday. When I came home I ate, made my homework and wenty to sleep. I was pretty exhausted. Today is going to be even worse, bacause after the spanish lesson the will be a salsa course. My whole week is already full of things to do. In Thursday there will be a night trip through old town and in the weekend we hopefully will go to Cotapaxi, the highest vulcano there is.

Thanks for all the komments!
Yours Lynn

1 kommentar:

  1. Meine Lynni, es ist ja der blanke Wahnsinn, was Du alles in Deinem Terminkalender hast. Aber großartig das Du/Ihr so viel erlebt. Sprache lernen ist hart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Na klar, aber Deine Speicherplatte hat so viel Kapazität, das schaffst Du. Drücke die Daumen,dass die Tour auf den Vulkan klappt. Von Herzen ein Küsschen, Deine Mama.
