lørdag 17. oktober 2009

15.10.09 and 16.10.09 Flight and arrival

Yesterday was a long day. Dad and I stood up at 4:30 am and my flight Berlin – Madrid was at 07:30. Everything went very well. I got on the right airplane in Madrid, even sough it said “Guyaquil”, which is another city in Ecuador, on the screens. It would land in Quito first, I learned.
The flight was very long! 10 ½ hours, that gives space for 3 meals, two films and a lot of reading! But it was all forgotten when we circled over Quito to get in the right position to the airport. The view was overwhelming, mountains and the city climbing them. I got my luggage at once and found the driver very quickly. It was very warm and the first thing I did was to put my rain jacket away. The drive through Quito was almost as exciting as the landing and it was the first time it was good that my camera is water proof because I was pretty nervous to meet the family and my hands where sweating. I really had no reason for that, because it was a very warm welcome. I met Elsa my host mother. She is fantastic! She showed me the house and my room. It is really nice! Elsa needed to go and work in her little store, which is next to the living house. I packed out some presents for the family and said “Hola” to a kid in the backyard. He thinks I am crazy or stupid or both because I speak no Spanish. I think he asked several times what I was doing in Quito speaking no Spanish. Good question isn’t it? Then I went to call home, which was much easier than I thought because there are about 3 internet cafés at the place where my new home is. Afterwards I went to see what was going on in the store. Elsa and Pepe’s store is mostly for paper and school stuff but you can although buy make up and a lot of other things.
At 20 o’clock Elsa closed the store and we went inside to eat something, it was pasta soup with chicken. After that I took a shower and went to bed after 23 exciting hours! I slept very well in my new bed, but had some weird dreams.
This morning I woke up at 6 o’clock. I stood up slowly and at 8 there was breakfast. Papaya, banana and toasted bread, nam nam! Then Elsa opened the store and at 10 o’clock there came someone from the Simon Bolivar School and showed me the way to the school and important things in the area. Afterwards I had a meeting with Monkia, the manager of the school. I could now ask all my questions and that was really nice. At 01:30 I was at my new home again and ate lunch. We had soup, rice with meat and vegetables and some white beans for a snack. To drink there was the fantastic fruit juice Elsa had made in the morning.
Things are happoening so fast. The evening yesterday was great. We drove around the city, both the finiacial district and the old town. In the old town we had an ecuadorian snack and drink. An member of the family wh is american is on visit and he explained and translated a lot for me.
Today I will meet Ellen, who I met in the school yesterday we will look at the old town again, by day. It still has not rained even it is soposed to be rain reason! Actually I got a sun burn yestersay, because the sun is so stong here.
Your Lynn, overwhelmed anf happy!

6 kommentarer:

  1. Meine Lynni,
    ich freue mich so sehr für Dich. Alles läuft so angenehm für Dich und alle Sorge, dass sich "niemand" um Dich kümmern würde, ist wie verflogen. Am verschärftesten fand ich ja die Falle mit dem doppelten Ziel Deines Fluges, mein lieber Mann, an Hand der Flugnr. hast Du das Rätsel wohl gelöst?! Auch das Wetter ist eine Überraschung:-)) Wozu die Regenjacke, hä. An Sonnenchreme haben wir wohl auch nicht gedacht? Wie geht es mit der Höhenluft? Ach, warscheinlich ist alles so phaszinierend, dass Du kleine Zipperlein ersteinmal gar nicht spürst. Dem Kindchen im Hinterhof wirst Du es zeigen, wenn Du nach sechs Wochen Simon Bolivar Schule, es auf Spanisch zutextest:-)))
    Vor Freude und Aufregung verstehe ich fast jedes Englische was Du schreibst. Es ist sooo spannend für Deine Aike Mama. Ich drücke Dich sehr.

  2. Hei Lynn,

    Det er kjekt å lese at du har komme trygt til Ecuador. Mama var iallefall veldig glad at du hadde ringt heim. Vi er veldig spent å se bilder fra Ecuador og lese om alt du opplever. Du blir iallefall godt ivaretatt av vertsfamilien din!
    Stor Klem fra Bart, Nana, Carmen og Andres

  3. Hallo, liebe Lynn.Ich habe Deinen Bericht voller Freude gelesen.ich schreibe Dir, aber ich weiß nicht, ob es auch bei dir ankommt.toll, dass du alles gut überstanden hast, dass du alles nette Menschen angetroffen hast und OK ist.Dies ist ein Test ob ich alls richtig mache, lieb Viele Grüße Deine Oma Gisela

  4. Meine liebe Lynni-Maus, ich bin total begeistert, war auch schon mit dem Finger auf der Landkarte bei dir, große Umarmung von deiner Oma

  5. Hallo, liebe Lynn.Ich freue mich, dass.. wir mit dir auf diesem Weg verbunden sind.Du hattest sicher ein aufregend neues Wochenende und hast viel Neues kennengelernt.Jetzt heißt es Spanisch lernen.Aber das macht dir ja Spass.Alles Gute, eine tolle Woche wünscht Dir Deine Oma Gisela

  6. Buenos Dias, liebe Lynn.Ich hoffe, Du bist wieder ganz gesund und kannst Deine Vorhaben richtig geniessen.Vielen Dank für Deine tollen Fotos.Ich könnte mir mit Björns TEL. Hilfe ansehen.Die alle Mädchen und Deine Unterkunft, Ausflüge Eure-alles prima.Ich wünsche Dir noch ganz viel Spass und Kraft für Dein großes Abenteuer Küßchen Deine Oma Gisela.
